
Xallent – Advanced Nanoscale Testing Solutions

Fine Pitch Four Point Probe

Your Key to the Nanoscale

Innovative nano-electro-mechanical-systems (NEMS) and MEMS multi-tip probes enable material and device characterization at the micro and nanoscale, offering unprecedented throughput, versatility, and ease of use. Need a special probe? We design and manufacture a portfolio of probes with a full range of probe spacing, tip materials, and radii. In addition to our current portfolio of probes, we work closely with our clients to develop application-specific probes to meet their most challenging testing needs.

Repeatable, accurate, and fast measurements enabled by our fine pitch four point probes

Fine Pitch Four Point Probe

Our micro and nanoscale four point probes directly measure the resistance, sheet resistance, and resistivity of thin film materials and devices. Nanoscale resolution (down to 800 nanometer pitch) even makes it possible to investigate how grain sizes, boundaries, defects, and material composition impact those measurements. Using that detailed information, researchers and yield engineers can quickly optimize material production, reliability, and yields.

Combined with the HITS-300 and SAKYIWA NanoProber, the four point probes allow for quick extraction of sheet resistance and 4-wire Kelvin resistance of 300 mm, 200 mm, 100 mm, and pieces at the micro and nanoscale. The standard pitch for our four point probe is 10 µm. However, we offer custom four point probes with nanoscale pitches. Please contact us for more information about our ultrafine pitch four point probes.

Nanoscale resolution of our four point probes even makes it possible to investigate how grain sizes, boundaries, defects, and material composition impact those measurements.


  • IV
  • Sheet resistance
  • 4-wire Kelvin resistance


  • Number of tips: 4
  • Arrangement: Inline
  • Probe width: 5 µm ±1 µm
  • Pitch: 10 µm
  • Probe-to-probe leakage current: ~500 pA @ 5 V
  • Current carrying capacity: 100 mA

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